Romantic Era: Post- Impressionism vs. Realism
Post-Impressionism Post-Impressionism lasted from 1880-1905 and was heavily influenced by the previous Impressionism outbreak. Two key artists of the Post-Impressionism were Georges Seurat and Vincent van Gough, who also happen to be two of my favorite artists. As a whole, Post-Impressionism “ rejected interest in depicting the observed world, [it] instead looked to memories and emotions in order to connect with the viewer on a deeper level” (The Art Story). I believe this is an excellent viewpoint into this time period - artists during this time strived to penetrate the viewers’ emotions. This style also “relied upon the interrelations of color and shape to describe the world around” (The Art Story). This style of art is my most favorite for the Romantic Era because there is so much depth to each painting that leaves me connected with each piece on a physical and emotional level. Seurat, Georges. A Sunday on La Grande Jatte — 1884, Oil on Canvas. Art Institute of Chicago...